Nonini-sued brian mutinda a Social media influencer for copyright infringement

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Brian Mutinda advised fellow influencers to be selective when using songs in their creative works to avoid violating copyright laws The influencer called for policies to be put in place to ensure a peaceful collaboration between influencers and musicians Mutinda, who was sued by Nonini for copyright infringement, expressed concerns about the lack of an organization to protect the rights of influencers
Social media influencer Brian Mutinda has advised influencers to be selective when using songs in their creative works to avoid being on the wrong side of the law.
the young man lamented about the many challenges that influencers face.
Mutinda argued that the government should formulate a policy that will ensure a peaceful collaboration between influencers and musicians. “Policies can be put in place to incorporate this new era of digital media and how artistes and influencers can collectively make money from their works. If I have to call an artiste to seek his consent before using his music, it’s hectic because upcoming creatives out there can’t reach these musicians.
We need to sit down and have a discussion of how we can work together for mutual gains,” he said. The influencer attributed said creatives are disadvantaged because there is no organization in place to protect them and safeguard their rights. “We don’t have any organisation that represents us. But we have started the conversation. It is not a simple thing of bringing influencers together. There are so many parties involved,” said Mutinda. Mutinda told young people who are looking to join social media influencing to develop thick skins because it is tough. He also cautioned them against using certain songs, especially those by veteran musicians.
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