Ugandan athlete Rebecca Cheptegei set on fire by boyfriend. She is dead

She died at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret where she was admitted to the ICU. MTRH acting Director Dr Owen Menach confirmed she died last night after all her organs failed “Unfortunately, we lost her after all her organs failed last night,” said Dr Menach. He said the hospital would give a…

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Cheptegei gives out gold medal to wife and kids

The 27-year-old crossed the finish line of the 10000m race in an Olympic Record time of 26:43.14 to dethrone Selemon Barega. Cheptegei has dedicated the gold medal to his wife, Carol, and children and thanked them for their endless support in his career. Via X, the Olympic champion also thanked his fans across the world and…

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Joshua Cheptegei wins gold in the Olympic 2024 10,000-meter race. [VIDEO]

The world-record holder raced in the middle of a strung-out pack for most of the 25 laps on the calm, cool evening outside of Paris. Then he took off around the curve and held the lead over the final 500 meters against a crowd of Ethiopians who set a blistering pace all night. Ethiopian Berihu…

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